以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Information, Communication & Society, Journalism Practice,《国际新闻界》、《新闻大学》等国内外SSCI和CSSCI学术期刊上发表多篇论文,论文被人大复印报刊资料全文转载。目前主持国家科技部高端外国专家项目、中央高校科研专项等项目,参与多项国家社科基金、教育部社科基金、共青团中央等国家和省部级课题。并在国际传播学协会(ICA)、美国新闻与大众传播教育协会(AEJMC)、中国青年传播学者论坛等国内外传播学重要会议上做论文汇报。
担任New Media & Society, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Information Processing & Management 等 SSCI期刊审稿人;担任国际会议ICA、AEJMC审稿人及会员。详细论文发表情况见论文作品页面或访问:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiaoxiao-Meng-2/research
Meng, X. , & Li, Y. (Online first). Technology-enabled subcultures among Chinese youths: smartphone addiction, virtual social capital, and ACGN addiction. International Journal of Mobile Communications. [SSCI]
Meng, X. , & Zhou, S. (2022). News Media Effects on Political Institutional and System Trust:The Moderating Role of Political Values, Asian Perspective, 46(1),157-181. [SSCI]
Meng, X. (2022). A thought-provoking take on privacy blending legal and critical studies. Information, Communication & Society, 25(13),2006–2011.[SSCI]
Meng, X., & Li, Y. (2022). Parsing the relationship between political news consumption and hierarchical political trust in China, Journalism Practice, 16(7), 1363–1382.[SSCI]
李耘耕,孟筱筱(通讯作者).新冠肺炎疫情下的流动、健康码及“治理型隐私”的实践逻辑[J]. 中国网络传播研究. 2022, 01: 40-61. [CSSCI], 人大复印资料转载
孟筱筱.人工智能时代的风险危机与信任建构——基于风险理论的分析[J].郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2020,53(05):120-125.[CSSCI]
Meng, X. (2022, August). Conceptualizing and Measuring Privacy Boundary Turbulence in Technological Contexts: Constructing a Measurement Scale. Paper presented at the 104th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).
Meng, X. (2022, May). Adaptive agency and privacy perceptions in technological contexts in China. Paper presented at 72th annual conference of International Communication Association (ICA).
Meng, X.(2022, May). Privacy boundary management in technological contexts: Communication Privacy Management theory revisited. Paper presented at 72th annual conference of International Communication Association (ICA).
Meng, X. (2020, May). Trust Equilibrium, Trust Inflection Point and Trust Reconstruction: A Case Study of the Trust Transitions in China (1949-2019). Paper presented at 70th annual conference of International Communication Association (ICA) .
Meng, X. (2019, May). The impacts of news media use on political trust: the mediating effects of subjective well-being in China. Paper presented at 69th annual conference of International Communication Association (ICA).
Meng, X. (2019, May). How does social media influence political trust? The mediating role of political values and political ideologies. Paper presented at 69th annual conference of International Communication Association (ICA).